box 1 folder #2

The following documents are located in Box # 1 folder # 002:

Box # 1 Folder # 2 (Click Here)


Carl J Crane Collection


File Name/Subject

Description - Years 1924-1933


Personal Papers

Description - Personal File, handwritten, possibly a chart of materials expected to be in personal file

possibly 1918-1919

Personal Papers

Letter: Certifying that Carl J Crane is a senior student in the Dept of Mechanical Engineering at the Univ. of Dayton. Signed Bernard P. O'Reilly.


Personal Papers

Letter: No 201 Reply to Carl J Crane advising of Preliminary Examination for appointment as 2nd Lt, Regular Army.


Personal Papers

Letter: Subject-Preliminary examination for appointment of 2nd Lt, Regular Army to C J Crane.


Personal Papers

Letter: No. 201 Advising that C J Crane had satisfactorily passed the preliminary examination for appointment in the Regular Army…and entitled to appear for final examination to determine fitness for commission.


Personal Papers

Letter: Subject-Qualification for appointment as 2nd Lt, Regular Army. Found qualified for appointment….


Personal Papers



Personal Papers

Copy- Appointment to Regular Army as 2nd Lt. (Large certificate filed in flat files).


Personal Papers

Letter: Appointment in the Regular Army with instruction to report to McCook Field, Dayton Ohio.


Personal Papers

Letter: Appointed as 2nd Lt, Air Service Regular Army. Requested to Notify of acceptance or declination….with reporting to Air Service Primary Flying School, Brooks Field, Texas….


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 166 Extract Is detailed as E V & R Officer….


Personal Papers

Letter: Personal advising of events at University of Dayton. Signed Bernard P. O'Reilly, President


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 183 p. 4, assigned to Air Service Primary Flying School, Brooks Field Texas


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 49, #18 Extract Relieved of assignment and duty at Air Service Primary Flying School, Brooks Field, and to report to Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, TX for instruction.


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 49, Para. 18 Extract Relieved of assignment and duty at Air Service Primary Flying School, Brooks Field, and to report to Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, TX for instruction.


Personal Papers

Officer's Clearance Receipt, Air Service Primary Flying School, Brooks Field, San Antonio


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 49, Air Service Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas… Note: Carl J Crane is NOT SHOWN on this list.


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No. 50 Extract Following reporting on March 2, 1925…assigned to 10th School Group and report to commanding Officer for advanced training.


Personal Papers

Operations Orders: No. 132, p. 2, Extract: Assigned to Mission No 4, as a pilot, #3, in airplane #71, for cross country training flight to be made on 4 July 1925.


Box # 1 Folder # 4

Box 1 Folder # 4 (Click Here)

Year 1934 - In the Canal Zone, Albrook Field, Panama

Personal Papers Subject: Blind Flight Training. To provide background of valuable experience and training. Page 2,request approved.  
Personal Papers:   Annual Inventory taken with letter certifying completion of task. Dated 9 may 1934.8-May-34

Personal Papers:  Subject: Air Corps Engineering School. Request to attend Air Corps Engineering School beginning August 1, 1935.    14-May-35

Personal Papers:  Subject: Accrued Leave of Absence. Request for corrected information. Records lost at last change of station.  14-May-34

Personal Papers:   Special Orders: No. 86 Detailed for the court for a special court-martial.  12-Jun-34

Personal Papers:  Subject: Flight to San Salvador, Salvador for the purpose of Ferrying Dr. Luis C Prieto, Red Cross and relief supplies for storm sufferers.  17-Jun-34

Personal Papers:  Receipt: Stay at Palace Hotel, Managua, Nicaragua.   19-Jun-34

Personal Papers:  Special Orders: No 90 Verbal orders for 2nd Lt Hockenberry to assume command, 19th Comp Wing Hq, during temp. absence of 1st Lt Crane.  22-Jun-34

Personal Papers:  Special Orders: No 140 #7, p., for the purpose of Ferrying Dr. Luis C Prieto, Red Cross and relief supplies for storm sufferers.    27-Jun-34

Personal Papers:   Subject: Education Degree. Request for record change to include Degree of Mechanical Engineer, U. of Dayton. Copy of degree attached.  10-Jul-34

Personal Papers:  Memo: Post Exchange Officer Letter of recommendation of employment for Pablo Prieto.    12-Jul-34

Personal Papers:  Operations Order: No 70 Act as pilot with crew in a C-9 #29-220 with crew for purpose of ferrying military personnel. Passengers include Honorable Mr. George H Dern, Secy. of War.

Personal Papers: Special Orders: No 113, #2 Verbal order relevant 1st Lt Crane of present duty at 19th Composite Wing Hq to 44th Observation Sq. Confirmed.  2-Aug-34

Personal Papers:  Special Orders: No. 220, #27 Assigned to Randolph Field, Texas.  17-Sep-34


Box # 1 Folder #3

The third folder in this collection extends from 1932 through 1933 while Col Crane resided in the Panama Canal zone; documents include special orders to Panama, assignment as the Panama Station Engineering officer, special orders determining the discipline of a sergeant, Payment to an individual for guarding an airplane that crashed in his field and many others.

The following papers are located within Box #1  Folder # 3 (click here)

File Name/Subject               Col Carl Crane Collection:  1932 – 1934  In the Canal Zone, Albrook Field, Panama


Personal Papers

Certificate of Personal Property Shipped, Randolph Field TX to Panama Canal Dept


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No. 198: Transport to Panama Canal Dept. , #24, p. 6


Personal Papers

Handwritten on tablet paper: Material received from 1st Lt C. J. Crane


Personal Papers

Bureau of Custom: Request for Reduced Freight Rate and Free Entry. No 51045


Personal Papers

Student Officers: Final Clearance Receipt. Departing from Randolph Field


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No. 264, Extract: Assignment to Alerook (possibly Albrook) Field, CZ. p. 3


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No. 95: 1st Lt. C. J. Crane, A.C. assigned station Engineering Officer


Personal Papers

Memo: Request for permanent distribution list


Personal Papers

Bureau of Customs: Request for Reduced Rate and Free Entry, No. 51807.


Personal Papers

Operations Order, No 10: Purpose of ferrying spare parts and repairing O-19 C Airplane #31-294. Crane acting as pilot.


Personal Papers

Memorandum Receipt-Debit Slip. Possible personal property


Personal Papers

Physical Inventory of Air Corps Property


Personal Papers

Memorandum Receipt: No X-8-0, Albrook Field, Canal Zone - Air Corps Property


Personal Papers

Form: Funds Intrusted to Agent; four (4) forms, various dates from January 18 thru Jan 27, 1933


Personal Papers

Letter: addressed to Hurley Townsend Corporation, NY requestion copy of Aviation Spark Plug Data.


Personal Papers

Memo Receipt: from Post parachute dept. Albrook Field, Canal Zone


Personal Papers

Letter: addressed to Lt E C Langmeade concerning requisitioned items


Personal Papers

Letter: addressed to the Star and Harald Co, Panama regarding a disputed bill.


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 50 detailing Lt Crane to sit on a Board to determine discipline of a sergeant


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 70, Item 6. Placed under the command of Maj Robert C Candee

Apr-Jun 1933

Personal Papers

Memo Receipts- various office related equipment. Dated from Apr 30 to Jun1, 1933

31-Mar 33
Personal Papers Assigned duties. Assumed command of 78th Pur Sq AC 28-Mar 33
Personal Papers Pass for St Sgt Antrim, Mission 0-75-Z 20-Apr-33
Personal Papers Special Orders: No 76. Granting one day of absence to visit within Republic of Panama 4-May-33
Personal Papers General Court-Martial: Orders No 23 for a Private Baxter D Boozer-drunk in quarters. 31-May-33
Personal Papers Letter: address to Mr. Asger Kierulf with payment to him for guarding an airplane that crashed in his field.


Personal Papers Memo of Receipt: No. X-8-1, Coat, flying, non-sinkable, size 38 Jun 3 to 13 - 1933
Personal Papers Memo: Trans Per of Property, List is property on memorandum receipt to Albrook Field, Canal Zone Jun 3 to 13 - 1933
Personal Papers Memo: Regarding high usage of Gas at personal residence. Several documents and letters. Dating from Jun 3 to Jun 13, 1933 15- June 33
Personal Papers Memo: Report of Condition of Building, personal quarters 30-Jun-33
Personal Papers Memo: assignment as Station Reclamation Officer; Apt Station and Group Inspector 1st. 17-Sep-33
Personal Papers Letter: Institute for Research in Tropical America, personal request for flight over Panama, 20-Oct-33
Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 186 appointed Class "A" Agent Finance Officer to pay civilians employed in salvaging Airplane No30-53 near La Charrera, Panama.

Personal Papers Form: Funds Intrusted to Agent; two forms, signed by Crane to D. T. Nelson; Two forms, signed by D.T. Nelson to Crane. Both dated 25, 1933. 30 Oct 33
Personal Papers

Invoice: To Aristides Pascual Vallester for salvage of wrecked airplane.

Personal Papers Special Orders: No 197, Item 2, Twenty (20) days Leave of Absence granted to visit within Republic of Panama. 8-Nov -33
Personal Papers Special Orders: No 198 participation of large number of persons in regular and frequent aerial flights from Nov 1, 1933 to Nov 16, 1933. Crane's name not listed. 15-Nov-33
Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 259, Extract-Item #7. Crane sent with others to rescue 2nd Lt Jacob E Smart, following aircraft accident of 28 Oct 1933.

Personal Papers Letter: Subject-Transportation on Army Transport. To Mrs. Carl J Crane c/o Dr. Carl C. Crane transportation authorized from Ft Mason, San Francisco to Panama. Accompanied by young daughter. 23-Nov-33





box # 1 folder # 5

The following papers are located within Box #1 Folder # 5 (Click Here)   

Special Orders: No 22, Para. 1. Leave of absence granted, extension of ten days.


Special Orders: No 46, Para. 34 …to inspect mock-ups of certain bombardment airplanes.


Memo: Mockup Board, contracts AC-8132, AC-8144 to convene at Wright Field on Feb 20, 1936 with acknowledgement of receipt of notice.


Special Orders: No 36 …visit to The Sikorsky Aviation Corporation, Bridgeport, Conn. For temp. duty to inspect …mockups …then return to Wright Field….


Memorandum Receipt: Voucher No 53, receipt for one Lock with parts.


Memorandum Receipt: Voucher No 58, personal use, receipt for furniture and bedding.


Memorandum for Capt Crane: Subject: Flying time; required various types of missions. With chart documenting such.


General Orders: No 5. Training requirements. Out of Hq Second Army, Chicago, Illinois


Special Orders: No 44, 74, 63,& 79, Extract: several documents related to Capt Crane as a patient in general hospital, thru release & return to duty.

Feb 27-Jun 9, 1936

Special Orders: No 164 Extract …authorized to proceed on navigation training flight to Scott Field, Illinois and return 12 Aug 1936.


Special Orders: No. 246 Extract Temp. Duty, with Capt G V Holloman fly from Wright Field Ohio to Camden New Jersey to observe flight demonstration of aircraft television equipment.


Telegram: from War Dept. To Pioneer Instrument Co.


Special Orders: No 241 Extract Capt Crane is authorized... to accompany 1st Lt on navigation training flight….


Letter: from Maj F. S. Borum to Mr. K Scott, Instrument Dept, Patterson Field. Undetermined purpose.


Letter: Personal-written to Father Meyer, Mount St John, with congratulations for many years of service.


Memorandum for Finance Officer, Wright Field, …purpose to check cash on hand at noon on the last day of the month…accounts of Finance Officer…and will certify verification of cash balance…. Paper torn.


Special Orders: No 286 Extract Crane and others …proceed abt 15 Dec 1936 from Wright Field to New Orleans, Louisiana, Brownsville Texas, San Antonio, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana on Temp Duty to test…experimental navigation equipment…to include gyro-sextant, ground speed meter, pilot director, gyro-magneto, A-4 computer, X-1C drift signals and Bausch and Lomb Drift Sight, then return to Wright Field.


Special Orders: No 293 Extract Crane and others…proceed abt 16 Dec 1936 from Wright Field to Mitchel Field, L.I. on temp. duty purpose testing gyro sextant with Sperry Co. engineers on local flights at New York and text navigator's type drift meters. Type A-4 computer gyro-mag. and buble sextant ...then...return to proper station. Two copies


Letter: To Lt Col R.L. Walsh advising of arrival….


Letter: To/From: Mr. Bernard E. Wallace, letters of Dec 3 & 17…invitation to view and apologies for Mr. Wallace to view the autogiro in action….


Letters: From and to Maj L E Weddington requesting information on the "flight error recorder"

14, 17 Dec 1936

Letters: From and to W A Reichel, Pioneer Instrument Co. regarding the "turn indicator" to be left with Mr. Cerstvik. Letters dated 15 & 17 Dec 1936


Letter: Subject-Appointment in the Officers Reserve Corps for Thurman F Ramsey. Signed by Capt George R McElroy. Letters dated 15 & 19 Dec 1936


Letters: Subject-"humidity in flight" equipment. From S W Butterfield Chicago & Southern Air Lines, Inc. with letter advising that have no equipment to assist. Letters dated 15 & 19 Dec 1936.


Receiving Report: Voucher No. N.A.2231. One package of Personal Material.


Special Orders: No. 274, Extract: Authorizing 1st Lt. Thomas L. Thurlow to proceed on a navigation training flight to Chanute Field. Ill…..with two (2) officers to accompany Lt Thurlow on the flight.


Special Orders: No 277 Four officers are authorized to proceed on navigation training flight to Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens Michigan….





Personnel Orders: No 200 Extract ….found physically qualified for all duty involving piloting.


Army Regulations 330-5, Sept. 23, 1937 Exhibit "A", items 1-3; "Secret", "Confidential", "Restricted".


Special Orders: No 235, Para 1.Leave of absence for one month and 15 days, with permission to visit foreign countries.


Instructions to officers visiting foreign countries on leave of absence….arrangements through…military attaché accredited the country concerned….


Personnel Orders: No 249 Extract …rated Military Airplane Pilot. Two copies.



Special Orders: No 303, Para 4 Appointed to a board of officers, with seven others, for the purpose of conducting service test of certain radio equipment to be submitted for consideration and make recommendations covering standardization and future procurement A copy with official seal.


Box # 1 Folder # 6

The following papers are located within Box # 1 Folder # 6:

File Name/Subject

Year-1938 - 1939 Personnel Papers




Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 4 Extract-…to proceed to military aircraft, 6 Jan 1938, from Wright Field,… to New York, N.Y. on temporary duty…for conference with Sperry Gyroscope Co., Kollaman Instrument Co., and Pioneer Instrument Co, regarding Air Corps Procurement matters.... Four days authorized with per diem stated... Hotel St. George receipt attached.




Box 1 Folder 006


Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 18 …to proceed by military aircraft, 25 Jan 1938, from Wright Field to…New York to confer with personnel

at certain manufacturing concerns…concerning Air Corps Procurement matters…return




Box 1 Folder 006


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 28, Para 18, Extract with Official stamp. Relieved from assignment and duty at Wright Field… and is assigned

to duty as student, 1938-1939 course, at Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Alabama, …arrive no later than 13 Sept 1938…to Air Corps Tactical School, for duty....




Box 1 Folder 006


Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 37 Extract, para 3. … proceed, by military aircraft from Wright Field, to Washington DC…report to The

Adjutant General for temp duty, purpose as member of Subcommittee of Air Corps Technical Committee to recommend improvements in Air Corps radio development program...and present existing military characteristics equipment....Per diem listed.




Box 1 Folder 006


Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 41, Para 1. Leave of absence granted …for one month and fifteen days, 1 July 1938 with permission to visit

foreign countries. With letter on how to proceed with principal diplomatic officer of the U.S….




Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter: from A.G. 201, (2-28-38) …proceed by military aircraft, 9 Mar 1938 from Wright Field, to Washington DC…for temp duty…to confer with personnel of Office of the Chief of Air Corps…abt engineering matters…return by military aircraft….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter: From Capt J H McCormick regarding a "thank you" for wire on the return of Good Will Flight and imput regarding the science of flight navigation….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter: Thank you from Society of Automotive Engineers for participation in Aeronautic Meeting in Washington D.C


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter: CONFIDENTIAL Subject: Extended Utility and Navigation Test Flight in XB-15 Bombardment Airplane. 3 pages.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 110 Extract …navigation training flight to Maxwell Field, Alabama…Capt C J Crane …authorized to accompany Maj Borum on this flight.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 127 Extract, para 8. …authorized to proceed …on navigation training flight to Maxwell Field, Alabama….Crane and two others.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 128, para 2. …along with Maj F. S. Borum…authorized to proceed (on or abt June 3, 1938, on a navigation training flight to Selfridge Field, Michigan, and return on or abt 3 Jun 1938….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 133, para 7. Extract …authorized to proceed on or abt 9 June 1938 authorized to proceed on a navigation training flight to Buffalo, New York and return on or abt June 9, 1938…. Total of six personnel for flight.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 155, para 4. Extract Borum and Crane authorized to proceed in military aircraft on or abt 5 July 1938 from Wright Field to Washington, DC, then to Boston, Mass; on to Hartford, Conn; on to New York, on temp. duty, to confer with personnel in Chief Signal Office regarding radio equipment and associated equipment.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

AWARD OF MACKAY TROPHY- …Capt Carl J Crane and Capt George V. Holloman, Air Corps will be awarded the 1937 Mackay Trophy for their outstanding achievement in successfully developing and actually demonstrating the Airplane Automatic Landing System…. Future Release dated 13 Oct 1938. Photograph of Award Ceremony in file.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 120 …assignment of Quarters at Patterson Field, Fairfield Ohio is terminated, effective 31 Aug 1938. Four copies with letter from Capt Crane advising terminating quarters. Dated same.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 176, para. 5. Extract Capt Crane, my military aircraft…to Burbank Calif.; then to Hamilton Field, Calf. on temp duty for conference on automatic landing project at Burbank Calf. and adaptability of Air Corps instrument landing system to Hamilton Field, Calf. Return by military aircraft to...Wright Field. Two copies.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Army Regulations: No 600-38 Personnel-Dress Uniforms for Officers and Warrant Officers. Unbound, 44 pages of text


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 154, para. 1. Extract …proceed on a navigation training flight to Binghamton, New York, and return 22 Aug 1938…to Wright Field…to accompany Capt A. H. Johnson.


Box 1 Folder 006


Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 195, para 2. …Crane authorized to proceed on or abt 21 Aug 1938 on a navigation training flight to Louisville, Ky and return on 21 Aug 1938 to…Wright Field.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Commendation. Letter from Maj F. S. Borum, Chief, Equip Branch, Air Corps, Materiel Division. For manner in which Crane handled the work as Director of the instrument and Navigation Laboratory.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Transcript Statement of Account: …covering pay for the month of August 1938.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Memorandum Receipt: List of thirteen (13) books and pamphlets to be turned in to Academic Sergeant Major's Office at the end of this school year.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter: from Frank M Kennedy, Colonel, Air Corps concerning Hydraulic Controllable Propeller-Invention of Oliver E. Barthel and Norman E. Marker.


Personal Papers

Office Memorandum: No 256 Handling of Secret, Confidential and Restricted Matters. 3 pages of text.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Commendation. Letter from Maj F. S. Borum, Chief, Equip Branch, Air Corps, Materiel Division. For manner in which Crane handled the work as Director of the instrument and Navigation Laboratory.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Memorandum Receipt: Transcript Statement of Account: Sept 1, 1938 and


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Memorandum Receipt of of account as incurred at Maxwell Field, Ala. Books and pamplets to be turned in to Academic Sergeant Major's office at end of School Year.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter to Capt C. J. Crane from Col Frank M. Kennedy regarding hydraulic propeller invented by Oliver E. Barthel and Norman E. Marker…considered …from a military standpoint, to have no value, because it offers no improvement over the type… now in use.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Office Memorandum: No 256 Handling of Secret, Confidential and Restricted Matters. 3 pages of text.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Radiogram: …Sec of War directs Capt C J Crane…to proceed…to Montgomery Ala to Washington DC to report to Adjutant General for temp duty in office Chief of Air Corps in conncetion with Air Corps Tech Matters.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Operations Orders: No 286-C …Capt C. J. Crane, pilot,..reiterating above radiogram instructions….Report to be rendered on Nov 6, 1934, …upon receiving payment from Finance Officer….Signed by Maj Warren A. Maxwell.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Memorandum to: All Flying Personnel - information abt flight requirements…. Three (3) pages.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Individual Navigation Flights. List of Instructions for overnight stops at points not under military control.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

War Dept Mobilization Plan, Five (5) pages. 29 November 1938


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Post Engineering Dept, Parachute Issue Room, Clothing Receipt for One Parachute.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Operations Memorandum: No 7 Flying Training …flying training at Maxwell Field, is placed on quarterly basis, effective…date of Memorandum.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Memorandum to All concerned…Extracts of Army Regulations 600-10. Extract-Extract, Personnel, Military Discipline.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Request for Leave of Absence: Request recreational. …following of present school detail to asst move of family to new station…three of children are in school….


Box 1 Folder 006



Personal Papers

Subject: Requests for Leave of Absence. …policy in place…approved under exceptional circumstances only, …approved not to exceed one month...requested…real needs exists…. Attached: See Request Denial dated April 12, 1939….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Circular 50-10: Training Ratings and Requirements for Attainment Thereof. Information on who May be Rated….Twelve (12) pages.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Circular 50-12: Training Proficiency and Classification of Flying Personnel….Rescinds Air Corps Circular 60-22, July 28, 1937. Four (4) pages.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 76 ….rated Senior Pilots, effective April 1, 1939.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 76 ….rated Combat Observers, effective April 1, 1939.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Institution of Abbreviated Courses at the Air Corps Tactical School. Addressed to: Commanding Officers, All Air Corps Stations and Activities.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Air Corps Training, 1939-1940. …directive, contains…special instructions pertaining to Air Corps units of all commands, supplements the War Dept Training Directive, 8 April 1940, dated 28 Dec 1938, which prescribed general training throughout the army.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Adjutant General Office: AG 353 (1-25-39) Mis, M-C. Subject: Air Corps Training, 1939-1940 Directive contains special instructions pertaining to Air corps units of all commands….prescribing general training throughout the Army. Three pages, 14 items.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Itineraries of Navigation Training Flights. …subjects: individual Navigation Flights: of 18 Nov 1938… are rescinded: and listed below are new directions…paragraphs #2 thru #5. AG 580-81 (4-1-49) Misc. M-C


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Maxwell Field Recreation Center, General Information. Date of Opening: May 1, 1939


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Special Orders: No 103, para. 13. page 4; …relieved from assignment and duty as student at Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field,…Capt C.J. Crane to Wright Field, Dayton Ohio.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Map: Officers Quarters, Patterson Field, Ohio


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 114 Extract, #6; Effective of 17 May 1939…in addition to …other duties, is detailed Assistant Operations Officer….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 116 Extract, #5: Effective 17 May 1939…in addition to his other duties, detailed to Flying Branch.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 117 Extract. Having reported to Material Division, Wright Field,…Capt C. J. Crane…is assigned to Experimental Engineering Section and will report to the Chief thereof for duty.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Experimental Engineering Sec. Office Memorandum No. 39-65, para #2….is assigned to the Research and Development Branch and will report to the Chief thereof for duty.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 116 Extract, para. #6. Capt C. J. Crane is authorized to proceed Maxwell Field. …and return to …proper station, Wright Field….


Box 1 Folder 006


Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 120, Extract, para. #2. …amended…is authorized to proceed…on navigation training flight to Selfridge Field, Mt Clemens, Michigan, via Detroit City Airport. …and return to Wright….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Memorandum: Research & Development Branch Office, No. 39-1. Subject: Officer Assignment. Capt C. J. Crane to Flight Research Projects.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No 124, Extract, para #2. … amended by Section III, Circular 1,4….Capt C.J. Crane,…authorized to accompany Capt Howard G. Bunker…to Maxwell Field, Alabama on or about 8 July, 1939.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Transportation of Officers' Household Goods. Regulations. Not dated. Thought to be at the time of Capt C.J. Crane's new assignment to Wright Field, Ohio.

Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 141 Extract, para. #8. Capt C. J. Crane…authorized to proceed…on navigation training, flight to Kelly Field, Texas and return…on or about 18 June 1939, to Wright Field, Ohio. Personal hand written notes stating times of arrival and times of return.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 151, Extract, para. #1. Capt C. J. Crane…is appointed as member of Board of Officers…para #2, Personnel Orders No. 147 dated June 24, 1989, for…purpose of conducting a service test of Radio Set SCR 253-TI and Radio Set SCR 254-TI,....Two (2) copies.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Letter: Addressed to Chief of the Air Corps for Command Pilot Rating from Capt C. J Crane. Attachment: A "True Copy" Individual Flight Record.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Commemoration Exercises Thirtieth Anniversary of Receipt of First Military Airplane…at Wright Field. Three (3) pages.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Notice: War Dept, Air Corps: Subject - Commemoration Exercises Thirtieth Anniversary of Receipt of First Military Airplane Set for 2 August 1939. Focal point is Wright Field for celebration.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 173 Corrected Copy. Extract, para. #7. …officers and Civilian employees with report to the Adjutant's Office…for duty as escorts to the Visiting Military Attaches.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Notice: Subject, Instruction-Special tour for Military Air Attaches. Three(3) pages.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Notice: All concerned Capt C.J. Crane,…as navigator, with two others…in a YB-17A Air Corps No. 37-369…depart Patterson Field…on Record Flight Project No. 2 and return….With handwritten note stating "We made a world record for speed and load carrier…for...Flying Fortress that won World War II. Note dated 3 March 1961


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Subject: Awarding the Distinguished Flying Cross to Capt Carl J. Crane, ….Letter with original signature of Adjutant General. With associated paperwork dated from 1935 thru August 1, 1939. Certificate in this file. Photograph of presentation ceremony located in photograph file.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 184, Extract, para.11. Capt C.J. Crane…authorized to proceed…on navigation training flight to Kelly Field, San Antonio, TX


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 191, Extract, para #2 with others…"rated Command Pilot".


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 198, C.J. Crane, …and others, will proceed by military aircraft on or abt. August 24, 1939, from Wright Field, …on temp. duty, purpose, experimental navigation flight and…return. proper station, Wright Field…


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Handwritten Note: addressed to Maj Crane. "Panoramic Sextant sited March 14, 1940. Gyro Stabilized R??? No 263107 March 25, 1939. Direct Reading Sextant-Gyro Stabilized scale April 5, 1939


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Teletype Message: " Capt Crane will meet Mr. Smith in Cleveland tomorrow morning as requested." On reverse-testimony to be taken by Carlson in interference 75,519 Tuesday Oct 3….Mr. Smith desires that Capt Crane meet him at hotel Cleveland before 9:00 tomorrow morning....


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 228, Extract, para. #2. …Capt C.J. Crane…proceed on or abt 3 Oct 1939 on navigation training flight to Cleveland, Ohio, and return on or abt 3 Oct 1939 to…Wright Field, Ohio.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 248 Extract, Capt C.J. Crane…authorized to proceed …on navigation training flight to New Orleans, Louisiana (27 Oct 1939) and return on or abt 29 Oct 1939…to Wright Field, Ohio.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 257, Extract, para #2, Capt C.J. Crane…authorized to is authorized to proceed, on or abt 4 Nov 1939 on navigation training flight to Memphis, Tennessee and return on or abt. 4 November 1939 to …proper station,. Wright Field. Ohio.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 266, para. #1, Capt C.J. Crane…now sick in quarters is this date transferred to Station Hospital, Patterson Field, Ohio.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Form: Request for Permission to Make Navigation Training Flights. To Louisville Kentucky, Air Navigation training.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 267, Extract, para. #2. Capt C.J. Crane…is authorized to proceed, on or abt Dec. 12 1939 on navigation training flight to Louisville, Kentucky, and return, on or abt 12 Dec to …Wright Field, Ohio. Handwritten notes on leave, arrival and return times.


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

General on temp duty…for discussion of means of defending Bombardment airplanes….Upon completion and return by military aircraft, to Wright Field….


Box 1 Folder 006

Personal Papers

Personnel Orders: No. 299, para #1. Six officers, plus Capt C.J. Crane…authorized to proceed to Washington D.C., reporting to The Adjutant General. Handwritten not "Did Not go." Two (2) copies.


Box 1 Folder 006

box # 8

This collection contains such documents as correspondence between Col Carl Crane and Barry Goldwater, the late Senator and Presidential Candidate.

The following papers are located within Box # 8 Folder # 1:

 Personal Letters

Letter: To Maj R.L. Walsh, returning inquiries about a person named Kessler.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Personnel Orders, No. 158: Extract-Crane now physically qualified for piloting duty following a temporary suspension; now fit for regular and frequent participation in serial flights.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Maj. C.V. Finter, requesting assistance with a Pvt. Muller transfer to Wright Field who has shown himself to have excellent qualifications.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: From Harold K. Chaney requesting assistance in employment opportunities as is finishing training with Battery "B" R.O.T.C. Training Camp.

not dated

Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: From M.F. Davis, Lt.Col. War Dept. Subject-Initial Assignment in Case of Mobilization as Assist. Chief, Equip. Branch, Engineering Section, Mat'l Div., Air Corps, Wright Field….


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Brandon L. Smith, First State Bank, advising on a new client, Lt Thomas L. Thurlow.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter, Telegram, & Thank-you note: To & From Sherman M. Fairchild & Co. for furthering discussions concerning flight instruments.

10 Aug- 22 Oct 36

Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Memo: To Crane. Subject: Eligible List for Detail to Air Corps Engineering School requesting update if still interested; and Crane's response stating desire to remain on the list of eligibility.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Wm. J. Wheeler, USCG. Com, New Orleans Division, Mobile, Alabama expressing concern for interupted radio communications during radio compass testing; and, further changes to be enacted so as not to cause such issues again.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Maj. E.E. Glenn, Air Corps, advising the requested D-1A Drift Sight could be installed in rear cockpit of PB-2 airplane….


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Crane suggesting that upon departure for over-water flights he advise the New Orleans unit, Patrol Grop "A" of departure message to avoid confusion on flight positions.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Associated Military Stores, advising returning short Army overcoat received belonging to another person and credit his account for parcel post expenses.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: From Robert B. Lea, Sperry Gyroscope Col, Inc. thanking for a good visit to Wright Field and requesting a Mr. McConkey be shown the set-up at Wright Field.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Memo: From C.M. Cummings , Maj, Air Corps Chief, Air Navigation Unit, To Capt C.J. Crane, Instrument & Navigation Unit advising name and address at RCA Manufacturing Co. to be a Mr. R.H. Holmes, Gov't Sales, RCA Manufacturing Co, Camden, N.J.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To Brother Michael Schleich, Nevilles, Belgium. Introducing Vicomte Eric de Spoelberch, Belgian Air Force for a visit.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: To John A.C. Warner, Gen Mgr, Society of Automotive Engineers, a thank-you for a thoughtful letter.


Box 8 Folder 001

Personal Letters

Letter: From E.H. Kessler, sending congratulation on receipt of McKay Trophy.


Box 8 Folder 001