COVID-19 test results may take longer Published April 6, 2020 By 59th Medical Wing Public Affairs 59th Medical Wing Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- Due to the influx of COVID-19 tests being run, results are taking longer than originally anticipated. While most results are returning within 7-8 business days, some are taking up to 10 business days. Please be assured that tests are being processed, and you will be called as soon as the test result is received, whether positive or negative. If you were tested more than 8 business days ago, and have not yet received a result, you may call your primary care manager, or PCM, or the SAMHS Nurse Advice Line at 210-581-2266, Option 6 to check on the status of your results. As a reminder, if you are feeling sick or having any symptoms, put safety first for yourself and those around you. Please stay home and call before coming in to reduce the spread of COVID-19 infection. As an additional resource, the CDC has an interactive COVID-19 Self-Checker that's intended as a guide to help you make decisions and seek appropriate medical care. Visit, and click on Coronavirus Self-Checker. Joint Base San Antonio has also published guidance regarding the timing of return to work after confirmed or presumed infection with COVID-19. If these criteria have been met, there is no reason to delay returning to work due to a pending lab test. Return to work after the following THREE conditions are met for any symptomatic patient who tested positive, was not tested, or the test result is pending: No fever (temperature <100.4) for the past 72 hours, without fever reducing medicine AND Improvement of respiratory symptoms (e.g., improved cough, shortness of breath) AND At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. For any symptomatic patient whose COVID-19 test result is negative, you may return to work when the following TWO conditions are met: No fever (temperature <100.4) for the past 24 hours, without fever reducing medicine AND Improvement of respiratory symptoms (e.g., improved cough, shortness of breath) Your healthcare team may have additional instructions specific to your condition; please follow that guidance. Longer isolation periods and/or temporary duty and fitness restrictions may be necessary as determined by your healthcare team. Please stay safe by staying home if you're sick!