37 TRW Third Quarter Awards Ceremony

  • Published
  • 37th Training Wing Public Affairs

The third quarter awards ceremony was full of seasonal spirit held here in the Defense Language Institute English Learning Center auditorium, Oct. 25.    

Congratulations to Warhawks who won in their respective categories:    

Junior Enlisted Category: Senior Airman Yevgeniy Sosnovskiy, 37 TRG  

Noncommissioned Officer: Tech. Sgt. Ashton Daverna, 37 TRG 

Senior Noncommissioned Officer: Master Sgt. Marrisa Alcantara, 37 TRG 

Company Grade Officer: Capt. Konrad Bennett, IAAFA 

Field Grade Officer: Maj. Richard Edwards, 737 TRG 

Civilian Non-Supervisory, Category I:  Jacob Ellis, 37 TRG 

Civilian Non-Supervisory, Category II: Alexandra Dixon, 37 TRG  

Civilian Non-Supervisory, Category III: Sherri Padilla, 637 TRG 

Civilian Supervisory, Category I: Ivan Aguilar, 637 TRG 

Civilian Supervisory, Category II: Tristan John, 637 TRG 

Civilian Supervisory, Category III: Guillermo Torralva, 37 TRG 

Additional Duty First Sergeant: Master Sgt. Thomas Turnbill, 737 TRG 

Thank you to all the award winners and nominees for the time and effort you have put into training our Airmen, Guardians, Partners and Allies this past quarter! Thank you to all the supervisors who dedicated time to ensuring their people are recognized for the hard work done throughout the Wing.    

Photos from the ceremony can be seen on Flickr.