Q:  What is the guidance regarding masks when speaking to large groups of people? Can they be removed?
A:  A person speaking to an audience of 30 or more can remove their mask, as long as they maintain appropriate physical distancing from the audience. Organizations can implement stricter guidance to meet organizational needs. However, they cannot make the guidance less strict than what has been published by the JBSA commander. For more information on current guidance, check out https://www.jbsa.mil/coronavirus/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=RQpYh_IEyIw%3d&portalid=102.


Q:  What phase of the vaccination distribution plan are we currently in?
A:  As of 14 Jan 21, we have begun vaccinating phase 1B with focus on critical national capabilities, personnel preparing to deploy outside of the United States and frontline essential workers. For the 37th Training Wing, this means our Military Training Instructors. When phase 1c begins, those identified as mission essential personnel (military, civilian and contractors), will be notified as to when they will be able to get the vaccine. As you can imagine, the COVID-19 vaccine information landscape is continually changing. We will continually update you as new information becomes available.


Q:  What do the AFIs say about me (or others) going to work with someone who ELECTS to forgo a vaccination or to not wear a mask? Who will be the responsible party?
A: There is no AFI on the vaccine and the COVID-19 pandemic. Because the FDA approved distribution of the vaccine under an Emergency Authorization Use, getting the vaccination is a voluntary matter. However, there is an Executive Order, to protect the Federal Workforce, stating masks should be worn in the workplace in Federal buildings and on Federal land, in addition to maintaining physical distance, and adhering to other public health measures, as provided in the CDC guidelines. If there is a situation where you are ever uncomfortable in the workplace, be sure to bring the situation up to your supervisor so it can be addressed.


Q: Will Admin and co-workers understand if another colleague decides not to take the COVID 19 vaccine due to personal and religious purposes?
A: As of right now the COVID-19 vaccine is completely voluntary. Whether you do/do not elect to get the vaccine is a personal decision. We do recommend that you research and read up on the vaccine in order to make an informed decision that is best for you and your family.


Q: Are Military Training Instructors required to take the vaccine? I understand they are currently being vaccinated?
A: No, receiving the vaccine is completely voluntary at this time. MTI who have volunteered began receiving the vaccine on 5 Jan.


Q: How many Military Training Instructors have received the vaccine?
A: To protect operational security, we are unable to release the number of MTIs who have volunteered to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.


Q: If I turn down receiving the vaccine when offered, or am not available at the time, will I be able to get it later?
A: Yes, if you originally turned down OR were not available to receive the vaccine, you are still eligible to receive it. Please work with your chain of command to get scheduled at your earliest convenience.


Q: Will DLIELC foreign military partners be required to be vaccinated?
A: Members of allied, coalition or partner nations stationed on DoD installations will be able to receive the vaccine on a reimbursable basis. In any case where the vaccination is provided on a reimbursable basis, the charge for the health care provided will not include the cost of the vaccine itself. Any offer of the vaccine will be done so in a manner that shows respect for applicable host-nation law and be done pursuant to the terms of applicable agreements and arrangements with the host nation.


Q: How long will masks be required after the vaccine becomes available?
A: The intent of the vaccine is to prevent the spread of COVID 19. We will still need to wear cloth face covings and practice physical distancing to limit the spread of the virus. Additionally, we will not have enough vaccine initially to vaccinate everyone who wants the vaccine and COVID-19 pandemic risks will continue. We will continue to recommend wearing masks and practicing physical distancing, for everyone, until pandemic risk of COVID-19 is substantially reduced.


Q: Will families of DLI employees be prioritized for vaccine due to DLI employees being in close contact with so many foreign military. 
A: While there is limited vaccine availability, vaccination distribution prioritization is currently focused on those providing direct medical care, maintaining essential national security and installation functions, deploying forces, and those beneficiaries at the highest risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19. As the vaccine quantity increases and we move through the prioritization list, TRICARE beneficiaries will be able to receive the vaccine as well.


Q: As you know, DLIELC sends instructors overseas for MTTs. Will the Air Force provide COVID vaccines to these civilians free of charge?
A: As of right not the vaccination distribution prioritization focuses on those providing direct medical care, maintaining essential national security and installation functions, deploying forces, and those at the highest risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19, before other members of the DoD population. The wing leadership is looking into whether or not our civilian employees who are traveling overseas are eligible for the vaccination.


Q: Is the MDW looking into civilian care or partnering with outside help for those members who are dealing with long term effects/issues due to COVID?
A: We don’t have a full answer on this yet as we don’t yet know what the long-term effects of COVID are at this point. If you’re experiencing issues due to COVID, we ask that you reach out to your provider for medical issues. For any other issues, we have a number of agencies that can support and provide assistance. Please be sure to reach out to your leadership as the care of our Airmen and their families is first and foremost.


Q: Will we receive CLEAR guidance once masks are no longer required? I don't plan to be w/in 6' of anyone w/o one until then....safety first?
A: Clear guidance will be given when requirements about mask-wearing has changed. At this time, even if vaccinated, masks and physical distancing is still necessary. The intent of the vaccine is to prevent the spread of COVID 19. We will still need to wear cloth face covings and practice physical distancing to limit the spread of the virus. Additionally, we will not have enough vaccine initially to vaccinate everyone who wants the vaccine and COVID-19 pandemic risks will continue. We will continue to recommend wearing masks and practicing physical distancing, for everyone, until pandemic risk of COVID-19 is substantially reduced.


Q:  Possibility of vaccination requirement for all ELT returning to campus (eliminate teared/caste system of vaccinations)?
A:  Currently the vaccine will be offered on a voluntary basis. Priority populations are highly encouraged to receive the vaccine. When formally licensed by the FDA, the DoD may require a vaccine for military personnel or personnel in specific fields, as is the case for the influenza vaccine. We do not know when the vaccine will be formally licensed.


Q: Will vaccines be available to us on base? If so, will they be available to our families on base (for civilians, too)?
A:  While there is limited vaccine availability, vaccination distribution prioritization will focus on those providing direct medical care, maintaining essential national security and installation functions, deploying forces, and those beneficiaries at the highest risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19. As the vaccine quantity increases and we move through the prioritization list, TRICARE beneficiaries will be able to receive the vaccine as well.


Q: Possibility of mobile military medical units administering vaccinations in parking area or field near DLIELC? (Following example of England)?
A:  Currently the vaccination process is being conducted at WHMC where we are able to maintain COVID protocols and service a number of individuals in a socially-distanced safe environment. We will certainly inform our base populace if additional vaccination locations open up. The distribution process is phase-driven to protect the DoD from COVID-19 as quickly as possible. In the initial phases, a limited number of sites were selected to receive vaccine. Initial sites also allow DoD to validate distribution and administration processes and structures and guide senior leader decisions to increase distribution and administration as vaccine manufacturing and CDC allocation permits. Initial site performance will guide follow-on site identification and the scaling of DoD distribution and administration processes.


Q: Do we know which vaccine will be available in SA? Pfizer, AstraZenica, or Moderna?
A:  Currently, the 59 MDW and Brooke Army Medical Center is distributing Pfizer. Other locations in San Antonio are distributing Pfizer and/or Moderna. These are the only two vaccine that have been approved for Emergency Authorization Use from the FDA at this time.   


Q: Is the vaccine going to be optional for Trainees and if so, does this move us closer to a normal operating BMT?
A:  Vaccination distribution prioritization will focus on those providing direct medical care, maintaining essential national security and installation functions, deploying forces, and those at the highest risk for developing severe illness from COVID-19, before other members of the DoD population. As we continue to move through the prioritization scheme, the vaccine will become optional for trainees in the months to come.


Q: Will the vaccine ever be mandated?
A:  All DoD personnel are encouraged to take the vaccine to protect their health, their families, their community, and lower the public health risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. When formally licensed by the FDA, the DoD may require a vaccine for military personnel or personnel in specific fields, as is the case for the influenza vaccine. For additional information: https://www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Combat-Support/Public-Health/Coronavirus

