• Mother of fallen Defender ‘marches on’ honoring son

    In the sweltering summer heat, 31 Defenders trekked up the rigorous route for their graduation ruck. Sixty-five-year-old Jiffy Helton-Sarver marches near the front, carrying a guidon commemorating her fallen son, Security Forces Officer 1st Lt. Joseph Helton.

  • Warhawk teammate earns FAPAC Uniformed Services Award

    Pante-Berrios finds the diversity across the United States to be heartwarming and in the Asian and Pacific Islander community specifically, she has seen many success stories. She hopes that Asian and Pacific Islanders maintain their identity even in a multicultural society.

  • Police Week 2020: Defender Busch Beats the Odds

    Hailing from Sugarloaf, Penn., Busch started Air Force Basic Military Training May 20, 2019 and at graduation on July 19, 2019, she was all set to start a promising career as a Security Forces Defender. But an accident during technical training at the 343rd Training Squadron put her childhood dreams