• IAAFA celebrates 78 years of excellence

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas -- The Inter-American Air Forces Academy celebrated its 78th anniversary in a small ceremony with top leaders here March 15.

  • LRS installs plexiglass shields to prevent spread of COVID-19

    Back on March 17, Joint Base San Antonio logistics personnel installed plexiglass shields in the area surrounding the driver’s seat of vans transporting service members and eligible Department of Defense ID cardholders around JBSA bases. In addition, as of April 1, all 22-passenger surrey buses also

  • JBSA ground transportation adapts to fight COVID-19

    Joint Base San Antonio installations have begun segregating buses by health status to contain the spread of COVID-19 and ensure that the JBSA community stays healthy. As of March 21, all buses on any of the bases will be labeled either green, yellow, or red, to denote who can and cannot ride in

  • BEAR Base lends a paw to Joint Base San Antonio camp

    With a quick gesture from the gloved hand of a cloth, face-covered Airmen on the ramp, the air brakes squeal and hiss as the growls grow to a roar. A hint of diesel drifts on the breeze as the flatbed trucks march forward -- another truck is loaded, and more construction and maintenance supplies

  • Curbside pharmacy to be implemented at JBSA-Lackland

    Effective March 30, the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland Pharmacy will institute a mandatory curbside drop-off and pick-up prescription process from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. To facilitate service, patients must call ahead to the following numbers to request any new electronic