Home School 101 Resources

  • Published
  • By 37th Training Wing
  • 37th Training Wing

The list below has been compiled by the 37th Training Wing Key Spouse Mentor and Clinical Psychologist; it includes FREE resources for homeschooling and mental health to assist families during the COVID-19 pandemic. **NOTE** All resources have been provided in collaboration with private entities. The US Air Force does not endorse or sponsor any of the non-DoD entities mentioned in this Resources Reference Material.

  • Military OneSource: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/coronavirus Resources include Health and Wellness Coaching, to include teens; Non-medical counseling, to include youth; MWR digital library; online learning resources; tips for teleworking; relationship tips; how to stay safe with COVID-19; support for financial stress; specific travel restrictions/guidelines for the military; etc. There are a TON of resources in this one stop spot!
  • Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC): Free short term, non-medical counseling services. Services are confidential and private; no records are kept. All appointments are through Zoom. To set the service up, adults contact 210-984-1076 or emailJBSAadultmflc-01@srimflcteam.com. For Lackland Jr/Sr High School, contact 210-540-5034 and Lackland Elementary School contact 210-439-8673 or 210-540-5027.
  • Wake Up, Kick A$$, Repeat Book Club: Enhanced by the titled book written by Dr Kendra Lowe. A guide to self-perseverance within the military life cycle. There are multiple book clubs for spouses to join if interested. Reach out to Leslie at lesliejanaros@gmail.com.
  • THRIVE: https://thrive.psu.edu/ A DoD funded program designed by the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State University. It covers three key areas for families and children (newborn–18 yrs); stress management, interactions, and physical health. It’s the first parenting education curriculum to cover the life span of a child; designed for families from pre-natal through when they leave home. What else is cool about THRIVE is that it is 100% online; available to anyone! It’s not just for military families. Best of all, it’s free and self-paced. The whole idea behind THRIVE is to help each of us become the BEST parent possible.
  • MSAN Mission to Mentor campaign: A series of round table virtual conversations with military spouses, experts and resources every Thursday evening as 8 p.m. EST. Link to join: https://www.facebook.com/MilSpouseAdvNet/
  • School Liaisons can help you: They are the central point of contact for commanders, military families, and local school systems on school-related matters for grades K-12. School Liaisons provide information about local school systems, state requirements, immunizations, school policies and procedures, home school resources, extra curriculum activities within the community, volunteer opportunities, and scholarship information. Their services are open to all JBSA military families, DoD civilians, contractors and retirees. During this time, the best way to reach your School Liaison is by e-mail at jbsa.slo@us.af.mil
  • TXServes: https://sanantonio.americaserves.org/ A link to several organizations in San Antonio that are providing services to military veterans and their families, to include online counseling. Organizations are each vetted through TXServe, and TXServes will connect members with the right services needed. Military Family Telehealth offers face-to-face video therapy that addresses everything from depression, and anxiety, to post-traumatic stress, sleep problems, adolescent behavioral issues, relationship and family stress, and more. Telehealth is confidential and highly effective. You can do it from your home or from any private space using your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Clients also have access to case management support and local referrals to help with other stresses like unemployment, finances, housing, and legal issues. To utilize Endeavors Telehealth appointment options please reach out to 833-286-8387 or SAclinic@endeavors.org
  • EFMP Respite Care: If you are applying for respite care or in need of respite care again, please reach out directly to one of the three JBSA FCC team members to assist. They are out of their office frequently, but will return calls ASAP: JBSA-LAK Lynn Salazar, 210-671-3376, JBSA-FSH Jeanie Smith, 210-221-3820, Community Care Coordinator, Ms. Andrea Nicholas, 210-221-5002.
  • Love and Logic: Provides effective parenting solutions taught in an online parenting class. For a limited time, it is being offered at no cost. There are 6 modules to help with help with anger, frustration, teaching responsibility, setting limits, and more. Check out the site at LoveandLogic.com
  • Helpful Apps for Stress Management from the Defense Health Agency, Department of Veterans Affairs: My Prosperity Plan, Tactical Breather, Breathe to Relax, Virtual Hope Box, T2 Mood Tracker, Mindfulness Coach, Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame by Sesame Street (stress management for kids).
  • JBSA/37th TRW resources:
    • Gateway Chapel: 210 671-2911 call first
    • Military One Source: 800-342-9647
    • WHASC Outpatient Mental Health Clinic: 210-292-7361; beneficiaries for urgent walk ins welcome
    • ADAPT: 210-292-7560
    • Family Advocacy Program: 210- 292-5967
    • Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate 24/7: 210-367-1213
    • BHOP: 210-292-1159
    • Military & Family Life Counselors: 210-984-1076
    • Military Family Readiness Center: 210-671-3722
    • National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
    • Hawk Talk: Sign up by emailing helen.robinson@us.af.mil; in the subject line state “Please add me to the Hawk Talk distro”
  • The following support is provided by the Alamo City Tea Roses Foundation, Inc.All services will be provided by Training Solutions & Associates in coordination with the Alamo City Tea Roses Foundation, Inc. All Educators and instructors are Texas certified teachers with 15+ years of experience. Most of them are PHd level educators. Parents may coordinate a request for these resources by completing a contact information form at the Website: training-sol.com
    • Online Tutoring: The Alamo City Tea Roses Foundation will facilitate coordination of online tutoring for kindergarten - 12th grade in the basic core disciplines (English, Math, Science and Social Studies)
    • Special Education Assistance: The Alamo City Tea Roses Foundation will facilitate coordination with parents, and respective schools to review plans and provide guidance.Parents will need to provide the most recent Individual Education Plan (IEP) for proper assistance


  • Other online resources:
    • Khan Academy Offers free educational resources to keep students learning.
    • Audible Offers a free collection of stories for students of all ages in several languages;accessible at stories.audible.com
    • Lakeshore If you’re in need of some daily structure with an academic bent, Lakeshore has a huge selection of free, printable resources for kids of all ages.
    • Scholastic Learn at Home Scholastic’s new Learn at Home website offers free daily courses for kids. Each daily lesson includes age-appropriate writing, reading, and enrichment activities, and virtual field trips.
    • Dictionary.com Launched Learning at Home that provides English language lessons for students in grades pre-Kinder to 12. All materials have been created or approved by teachers. Lessons include spelling, grammar and word challenges, as well as fun family activities and writing prompts.
    • Debbie Allen Dance Classes - On Instagram Classes are offered weekdays at 11 am PST for a great class with a dance legend.
    • Mystery Science has put together a fantastic selection of science lessons and experiments that can be done at home
    • Cabin Fever Science For easy science experiments to do at home, tune in to Cabin Fever Science on YouTube. The resulting one-minute how-to videos are fun,educational, and sure to inspire your kids to start experimenting.
    • Research Quest Live Designed with middle-schoolers in mind, the free daily classes are taught by museum educators. Classes are Wednesday at 9:30 am MDT, but classes are archived online.

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*Home School 101 full video: YouTube or Facebook

*Home School 101 Resources

*Home School 101 follow up Q&A 

*Home School 101 event summary