Eighth episode for AETC’s Real Talk focuses on religion in the Air Force Published Aug. 11, 2021 By C Arce Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas – Lt. Gen. Brad Webb, commander of Air Education and Training Command, will host the eighth episode of AETC Real Talk: Muslims Serving in the Air Force, Aug. 19 at 3 p.m. CDT, on AETC’s Facebook page. Joining Webb for this discussion will be three Muslim Airmen: Maj. Sadia A. Heil, individual mobilization augmentee to the chief of Force and Unit Level Capabilities, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Directorate; Capt. Abdulaziz H. Ali, theater engagement division chief at the Air Force Special Operations Schoolhouse; and Chief Master Sgt. Gloria L. Weatherspoon, senior enlisted advisor at the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute. Heil commissioned in 2007 through the ROTC program at University of Maryland. She has served in a variety of positions at the squadron and group levels, including as a flight commander, deputy collection manager, and chief of intelligence plans and future operations. Ali received his commission through Officer Training School in 2012 and completed the Intelligence Officer Training in 2013. He has served as a missions operations commander and instructor rated operator, deputy flight commander, deputy chief, and chief of Air Force Foreign Military Sales. Weatherspoon enlisted in the Air Force in 1996 and has served in various duties in logistics and equal opportunity throughout her career. Additionally, she has served as a first sergeant. “Our nation expects the United States Air Force to be the world’s greatest Air Force. Being the world’s greatest Air Force means being laser focused on mission and readiness. Fundamental to mission and readiness is diversity… of thought, background, experiences, etc. Airmen of Muslim faith contribute far and wide in our Air Force every day and they do so by bringing important and significant diversity to our team,” said Webb. “I very much look forward to this discussion and learning about these Airmen’s perspectives and stories.” AETC Real Talk highlights The First Command’s priority to cultivate an environment of excellence for all Airmen. To watch all eight episodes of AETC Real Talks, visit: https://www.dvidshub.net/feature/AETCDiversityandInclusion